Previously from It's A Trap!
Here are the links to some of the old events we used to run, back when we were LARPers.As we get our hands on more of our various write-ups of the events we have done we'll post them here.
Die Orc! Die! A Gryphon Faction Event, April 2006

Hope - A New Path. Scouts Guild Event, March 2006

Click here for some pictures from the Scouts Guild event held in March 2006.
Pictures by Lucy Burton
An Evening With Vultan, March 2006

Click Here to see photos of the dancers
Click Here to see photos from the party
High in the mountains of Southern Lyonesse, hidden deep amongst the eyries of Khaz-kuruk lies the House Gryphondwarf Mead Hall (Khazuk-stahn). On the eleventh day of March, Arch Duke Vultan, Lord Protector of the Gryphon Faction, will be throwing open the doors of Khazuk-stahn to the Gryphon Faction and selected guests to celebrate the new Dwarven year. This will be a chance to catch up with old friends and acquaintances, a chance to see the House Gryphondwarf Dancers and a chance to taste Cram (subject to availability due to famine).
With much for the faction to do this year, and untold disasters the Gryphons will no doubt survive, why not start the Dwarven New Year with a drink!
Horror in the Heartwood, November 2005
Montage by Chris Burdett
A collection of photo's from Gryphon Faction event Horror in the Heartwood.
Click Here for behind the scenes pictures.
Click Here for In Front of the Camera shots.
Photos by Lucy Burton and Chris Burdett
Terribilis Est Locus Iste, April 2004
The Gryphons went to the forests north of Strasburgh on orders of the Cardinal. There they met Le Legion Imperiale for the first time.
Click Here for behind the scenes pictures.
Click Here for In Front of the Camera shots.
Photos by Lucy Burton and Chris Burdett
Et In Obsidia Ego, November 2003

An in character report of this event can be found here
This report was written by Cherie Bond - thanks Cherie!
L'Order Nouveau Tavern Night, January 2003
The appearance of Madam Fifi and her Dancing Girls! This event was set in the fabled La Chattendu, the spiritual home of L'Order Nouveau.

Veil of the Vampire, November 2001
Click here for pictures of this event.
Trade Fair Estragalles, February 2001
Another event run for the Gryphon Faction.Here are some pictures of the event.